Our Associates

Craig Orr
Financial Services Professional
Columbus, OH

Craig Orr

Craig Orr is a Financial Services Representative at WestPoint Financial Group, based in the New Albany office. Craig is an alumnus of Ohio State University, where he pursued a major in Family Resource Management, showcasing his commitment to understanding and managing financial resources for families.

Prior to joining WestPoint Financial Group, Craig held significant roles in the corporate world. He served as a Financial Advisor at Huntington Investment Company, further establishing his proficiency in the financial services industry. Following this, he transitioned to an Account Manager at Big Sandy Superstore, where he honed his skills in managing accounts and providing valuable financial solutions. Following this, he transitioned to become a Financial Advisor at Huntington Investment Company, further establishing his proficiency in the financial services industry.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Craig is an active member of the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA), contributing as a member referee. This reflects his passion for sports and commitment to community engagement.

Outside of his professional pursuits, Craig finds joy in playing golf, a hobby that allows him to unwind and connect with others who share the same interest. Additionally, he shares quality time with his son by refereeing soccer matches, fostering a love for the sport within the family.

Craig’s personal life is characterized by a strong family foundation. He has been happily married for 21 years and is a proud father of two children – a son aged 14 and a daughter aged 18. This family-oriented approach is not only reflected in his personal life but also influences his professional philosophy, emphasizing the importance of financial wellness for families.
