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Lexington, KY
Greg Bagdasaryan
Wealth Management AdvisorLexington, KYgbagdasaryan@financialguide.com -
Greg Barnett
PartnerLexington, KYgbarnett@financialguide.com -
Olessya Chusheva
New Business AdministratorLexington, KYochusheva@financialguide.com -
Mac Jarboe, Jr.
Wealth Management AdvisorLexington, KYmacjarboe@financialguide.com -
Anita Rodgers
Technology SpecialistLexington, KYarodgers@financialguide.com -
Steve Sevits
Financial AdvisorLexington, KYssevits@financialguide.com -
Tim Tanner
Financial AdvisorLexington, KYttanner@financialguide.com