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Madison, WI
Anthony Amegashie
New Business CoordinatorMadison, WIaamegashie@financialguide.com -
Brett Bauch
Financial PlannerMadison, WIbbauch@financialguide.com -
Preston Bollerud
Senior Career ConsultantMadison, WIpbollerud@financialguide.com -
Joe Bozo
Financial AdvisorMadison, WIjbozo@financialguide.com -
Angie Chovanec
Director of Teaming & Tiered ServicesMadison, WIachovanec@financialguide.com -
Junior Coleman
Senior PartnerMadison, WIjuniorcoleman@financialguide.com -
Kim Havens
Financial Services ProfessionalMadison, WIkhavens@financialguide.com -
Caden Lee
Financial Services RepresentativeMadison, WIcadenlee@financialguide.com -
Randy Logan
Brokerage DirectorMadison, WIrandylogan@massmutualbrokerage.com -
Eric Matthews
Technology SpecialistMadison, WIematthews@financialguide.com -
Jenny Neitzel
Site ManagerMadison, WIjneitzel@financialguide.com -
Jordan Olson
Financial Services RepresentativeMadison, WIjordanolson@financialguide.com -
Donovan Pfaff
Financial AdvisorMadison, WIdonovan@financialguide.com -
Jeremy Sharrock
Financial Services ProfessionalMadison, WIjsharrock@financialguide.com